On 10/6/23, community leaders presented a dream for the Arts sector in St. Joseph. To help navigate the presentation, feel free to use the video player’s bulleted-list icon to jump to a specific section.
Please pay special attention to the Community Challenge segment at the end of the presentation, and join us by filling out the form below.
Community Challenge
Our Challege to You
To visit one museum, attend one show and/or make one retail or class purchase EACH MONTH, October 2023 through May 2024, a total of 8 MONTHS.
Pay to attend events, visit museums or take an art class at least once per month from now through May 2024 (8 months). Be a CHAMPION for 8!
If you already frequent Arts & Culture locations, bring someone with you that has never been before!
DONATE for 8
If you prefer to do your part with a donation rather than attendance, please select NEW entities that you do not already support financiall. Each month, find a different non-profit to donate to or a new shop from which to make a purchase. You’ll be glad you did!