A Dream for Business

On 12/1/23, community leaders presented a Dream for Business in St. Joseph. To help navigate the presentation, feel free to use the video player’s bulleted-list icon to jump to a specific section.

Please pay special attention to the Community Challenge segment at the end of the presentation, and join us by filling out the form below.

Community Challenge

Our Challege to You

Some of these challenges apply to some of you. Some of them apply to all of you. Please accept at least one challenge, but you can check all that apply.

3D Journey
Check this box if you are interested in having a 3DI representative lead you and your team on the 3D Journey.

Adopt a Block
Check this box if you would like to join the Adopt a Block movement in St. Joseph.

The Market
Check this box to learn more about how you can support the dream for a downtown city market in St. Joseph.

Home Improvement Initiative
Check this box to learn more about how you can partner with HII to help provide quality low-income housing in St. Joseph.

Frederick Corridor
Check this box if you have interest in helping with the restoration of the Frederick Corridor.

Shop St. Joseph
Check this box to make a commitment to Shop St. Joseph.

I’m ALL IN to do my part

Check all that apply:
Sign up for 3D Coaching training?
TJC is providing free access to an online training called “3D Coaching for Business Leaders” between now and 6/30/24 for leaders in Buchanan County. Learn more by clicking here.
Sign up for 3D Coaching training?