A Dream for Government

On 2/2/24, community leaders presented a Dream for Government in St. Joseph. To help navigate the presentation, feel free to use the video player’s bulleted-list icon to jump to a specific section.

Please pay special attention to the Community Challenge segment at the end of the presentation, and join us by filling out the form below.

Community Challenge

Our Challenge to You

Embark on a transformative adventure to enhance not only your personal well-being but also contribute to the vitality of our community. Recognizing that our government is a mirror of our collective spirit, we believe that fostering healthy and thriving individuals is the key to a robust governance system. By taking the 3D Journey, you commit to self-improvement in three dimensions: Skills, Mind and Heart.

This challenge is more than just a personal growth endeavor; it’s a civic responsibility. As we mold ourselves into healthier and more vibrant individuals, we lay the foundation for a government that reflects the strength and resilience of its people. Sign up now and be a catalyst for positive change – let’s shape a future where both individuals and governance flourish hand in hand!

To learn more about the 3D Journey initiative, click here.